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تشرح نده ساتل شوې. مخکې لاړ شه؟
Developing Team
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Mr. Noor Rahman Liwal
Principal architect, developer and manager of Mahasib
Eng. Khushal Khan Liwal
Senior Developer Telecom and Aviation expert
Eng. Adam Khan Liwal
Senior Developer, Architect and security expert
Eng. Muhibullah Sahak
Director GIS and developer of documentation
Mr. Abdul Rahman Liwal
Director Business Development & Marketing
Mr. Abdullah Sahak
Tester Administration and Finance
Mr. Saifullah Irfan
Tester profiling and user management.
Mr. Mohmmad Omair Sahak
Tester Website Builder
H# 3, Street 8A (Liwal), Sharnaw, Kabul, Afghanistan.
- powered by - Liwal Mahasib